These videos were taken from Jennifer's original blog (which is still up to this very day).

Jennifer regularly used videos like this to "prove" that she knew Bryan Fuller and Aaron Abrams (among other cast and crew members) personally. Keep in mind, when they made these videos, they had never seen or met Jennifer. They were doing this for reasons they didn't inquire about, or care about, nor did they seem to realize that she was using them to portray herself as "official" to the network.

These are some examples of Jennifer being in character as Freddie Lounds. Her own personal made up not accurate to the show version of Freddie Lounds that is. She would spam these videos over and over to the official Twitter accounts (NBCHannibal and DeLaurentiisCo) trying to get some sort of reaction or attention. Unfortunately, they usually gave her what she wanted, which only validated her claims of being official further.

This video is an "in character" staff meeting for (Back when Jennifer still ran it). On Screen directly you can see Roxanne Paz, who was assigned the character of Will Graham and is "in character" as Will. Which makes no sense because Will Graham never worked for TattleCrime or liked Freddie. Behind the screen you can hear the voice of Roxanne's ex-boyfriend (name unknown). On the phone you can hear Jennifer Cornet pretending to be her version of Freddie Lounds. Whatever that is.