A Fictional Funeral



In the canon of the TV show Hannibal, in season two, Freddie Lounds was given a fictional death as a cliffhanger to the end of that season. Jennifer Cornet, who prided herself in being the real life incarnation of Freddie Lounds through a process she referred to as soul bonding went above and beyond to act out this death. What was essentially her own death (in her own mind) because she would always insist that she was the real Freddie Lounds. Even going to the extremes of telling people that the show was adapted from her real life for the entertainment of television. During this time, in which the fandom believed that the character of Freddie lounds was dead. Jennifer took it upon herself to make up fake funeral pamphlets to send out to her "staff". She also booked a church and had an actual, physical, in person, memorial ceremony that it was mandatory for her "staff" to attend. I wish I could say this was the weirdest thing I experienced with this woman in the time that I knew her, but it was not.