A Lesbian In Denial


Jennifer Cornet was, essentially, a lesbian in denial. Her pattern of behavior stemming way back since the Final Fantasy Seven fandom was always the same. She would find females that she could get to play (or cosplay) as male characters, or she would find females who already identified as male but did not intend to transition in any physical form. During my time with Jennifer I was introduced to her partner who only went by the name Hannibal. I had several discussions with Hannibal over this time as well. Not as many as I had with Jennifer but enough to get to know him and what he had to say on this matter. 


Whoever this Hannibal person was, they told me, that they did not identify as male. Nor did they have any intent to transition. That they liked cosplaying (or more accurately crossplaying) as a male character because that was what pleased Jennifer. They did not feel they were in the category of transgender, though. This was stated to me in a conversation between me and this Hannibal person. No other people. As such, that person and myself are the only people who know what transpired in that conversation. My detractors will tell you that this never happened, Hannibal never said this, and I am making this up. However, there is no way for them to know this because it was a two person conversation that none of these people were there for. Unless this Hannibal person comes forward, identifies themselves, and contradicts what I am saying here then I'm the only other person who has any authority to say what had been communicated in that conversation that we had. 


Getting back to my point, Jennifer used this sort of thing to get out of the admission that she was, in fact, a lesbian. She did not want her partners to be actual men or truly transition and transform into having a more male body with masculine features. She wanted to be with women who would pretend to be men and when questioned, claim they were transgender. In this way, Jennifer was able to claim that she was "straight" and only attracted to males. In reality, this couldn't have been further from the case. 


In the time period of knowing her she was sexually engaged with a woman named Roxy. Someone who crossplayed as Will Graham for her. Roxy also never identified as transgender or a male. She would become a male when she was roleplaying the part for Jennifer but she wasn't. Prior to Roxy being with Jennifer as a romantic partner she was with a person who was in the process of transitioning to male. This person eventually completed the transition and is now legally male. When that person completed their transition, Jennifer got very upset about it. She went on to convince Roxy that her boyfriend was abusive and eventually stole her away from him. 


In time, Jennifer would go on to transform another young woman named Lauren Skaggs. When Jennifer first met Lauren, Lauren was 17 and Jennifer was in her late 30's. Jennifer had a penchant for assigning anyone who joined her "staff" (as she would call it) a character from the show she wanted them to be.  Usually, it was a male so they could have an affair with her, as in her head, every man in the show was either secretly attracted to Freddie Lounds or was having an affair with her in some way. Immediately, Jennifer started to call Lauren Frederick or Chilton or my Frederick or something possessive in that way. By the time Lauren turned 18 and was old enough to come visit, Jennifer refused to recognize that Lauren was female and would only refer to her with male pronouns. Something that Lauren did not feel comfortable with as Lauren never identified as male or transgender. Nor was she. that didn't matter to Jennifer. It wasn't long before Jennifer had convinced Lauren to cut her hair much much shorter to give her a boyish appearance and was full time referring to her as Chilton and as a male. 


In the end, Jennifer's insistence on her female partners roleplaying as male partners was a way for her to say she was straight and attracted to men, when she never was. She just didn't want to admit she was a lesbian. For some reason. This information and behavior dates all the way back to the Final Fantasy Seven house when she was JENOVA so I don't know why my detractors try to say this isn't a thing that Jennifer has always done. 


Please note: For some reason me saying this happened, how it happened (and this is how it happened) make the special snowflakes who run the reddit threads very triggered. They claim that somehow this is me being transphobic. They like to speculate (without ever having spoken to Lauren) that maybe she really was trans. They also like to speculate that lauren didn't cut off her hair because Jennifer wanted her to look more male. Keep in mind, these people weren't there, they weren't part of these conversations, and they don't know what happened. Why they insist on trying to correct my statements as if they know the truth is beyond me. Nothing I said here is transphobic. It's just accurate to what I witnessed and know about the time I witnessed it. Since Lauren and the other partner Hannibal have not come forward to confirm or deny any of this, and they are among the very small group of people who would know what happened here, don't listen to any one else trying to change the narrative for whatever reason they are doing it.